Sucking our Mekong River
You are drinking this water
crossing 2,700 miles splitting glaciers and feeding mangoes this water diffuses Tibetan monks' ash in their self-immolation praying for the return of Dalai Lamas chanting in the rising smoke. Drink this water. Taste the burning fields Rohingya crossed scattered from homes; unrestrainable flux through the cursed Burmese land. Gulp this water. Shinning golden Buddha in Vientiane, burnt in Thai's bleeding invasion. May Buddha stop his smile on the killing fields slipping through Svay Rieng, reddened like sunset or His bled stone cackled, helpless at cross-border flux. Bath in this water. Mekong Mother watches her sons and daughters distill into blooming lotuses covering muddy land of tragedy.
Now stop drinking Eleven dams tighten nooses on the neck of our Mother She lay dead on the ungrateful children of thousand years
So far away, on the Tibetan Plateau where the glacier stop melting in throbbing beats of tomorrow's thirst
We don't hear the Mekong evaporate.