We taste each moment of joy:
A sea turtle wanders thousands of years
the seabed longs for your shade,
her flapping arms draw endless ripples
carving decades of your memories;
Your smiles betray the rising waves
weave me in, weave me out, weave in chaos
so many oceans I am drunk in joy;
My fingers drown in the manic search
for our absurd loops of being
I am too slow to gasp more air,
Or am I too naive to dive deep (?)
blindly seeking the ancient cave -
where the sea turtle's touch fractures the sun
and the light slip in your secret grin;
Infinite knots have been swum through
the sea turtle meets your blink
a thousand years just passed
I pull every strand of joy
joy we laugh; joy we are drunk in
joy the turtle's cones reflect your laughter
and you don't need to question if you exist
Joyfully you leave
the sun in my opening mouth.