The moon has seen me thirteen months long enough for me to impregnate an intention hallucinates on the screen. Do you see me an invisible number tapped on the check-in door my finger is not human enough? In this boxy maze among surges of walking dent I am bathed by you. Do you see me, Moon? Your sliver light strips me off constructs of doors steel windows plywood tables ( as white as you) I take my skin off nakedly honest Dry lips tumble a deafened song I haven’t heard since I stepped into the square corner I left my soul in the park Do you see it wander aimlessly gazes at me under your eyes? I am imprisoned at my corner pretending life worth it. Doesn't it? I impregnate you, Moon My womb conspires the light filled with light so light I got lost in neon signs and souless glass doors I wish to be among them I left you Yet I impregnate you, Moon How naive?
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